Were open 24/7, call us now! 902-468-0674

About Us

What we’re all about:

Our hospital is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is fully staffed at all times. We are centrally located in the Burnside Industrial Park in Dartmouth. Our team of dedicated veterinary professionals offers a unique skill and knowledge base in emergency veterinary medicine – that is all we do, and our decades of experience in this field allows us to triage and treat our patients efficiently and effectively. Each team member is carefully chosen and is an integral part of your pet’s care.

We work with your family veterinary team to ensure a seamless transition of information for your pet’s continued care.

After the Emergency

Once your pet’s condition has been stabilized, your pet will be treated and either:

  • Your pet will be hospitalized until morning and then transferred to your regular veterinary clinic
  • Your pet will return home with you, and you will be asked to visit your local veterinary for a follow-up
Financial Policy & Fee Structure

Our primary concern is the health of your pet. Our responsibility is to provide your pet with the best, most appropriate, and humane medical care. Our fee schedule is structured to support a modern, fully equipped facility enabling our staff to deliver the highest possible quality veterinary services by staff who are dedicated and continually receiving education.


Our policy is to prepare an estimate of the cost for your review – in advance and in writing, of what your hospital fees will be. We do not wish to extend anyone beyond their means. Please do not hesitate to communicate your intentions or concerns to your doctor.

Deposits, Balance, & Payment Methods

It is customary to pay for veterinary services as they are rendered. A deposit is required on all hospital cases, with the balance due in full at discharge. Your prompt payment is the only means by which this hospital is supported – unlike human hospitals. For your convenience, we accept cash, debit, Visa, and MasterCard.